Change Of Heart - Nick Cooney


Should anti-war protesters use graphic images to get public support for their cause, or will such images turn the public off?

In encouraging the public to adopt sustainable behaviors, should environmental organizations ask for small changes like using fluorescent light bulbs or big changes like giving up cars? Why do most Americans say they oppose the cruel practices of factory farms and sweatshops yet still buy products from these places? And how can non-profits get more people to say yes to their requests to volunteer, donate, recycle, write a letter to a political prisoner, support gay rights, go vegetarian, conserve energy or make other positive changes?

Scientific research has generated a wealth of information on how people can be persuaded to alter their behaviors, yet this body of knowledge has been largely ignored by those working to improve society. Change of Heart: What Psychology Can Teach Us About Spreading Social Change brings this information to light so that non-profits, community organizers and others can make science-driven decisions in their advocacy work.

The book examines more than eighty years of empirical research in areas including social psychology, communication studies, diffusion studies, network systems and social marketing, distilling the highlights into easy-to-use advice and serving as a psychology primer for anyone wanting to spread progressive social change.

You can read excerpts on Nick Cooney’s Medium page or see previews on the sites below.


AMAZON:Book Page

Books-A-Million:Book Page

Bookshop:Book Page


“A gem of a book! Flip to any page and you’ll fi nd practical, well-researched examples of how to reach the public where they’re at right now and steer them toward more compassionate, sustainable behaviors. Changing hearts and minds just got a whole lot easier!” — Judy Wicks, co-founder, Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE)

“Change of Heart has helped my understanding not only of how the public reacts to the
labor movement and workers’ rights, but how our own members will be motivated and empowered to take action as well. A concise and complete handbook for anyone looking to get their message to the masses effectively.” — Dena Fleno, Council 4 AFSCME Union

“One thing is clear about this century. We have to fast-track changes in our relations with, and practices toward, other species. Nick Cooney has provided us with important food for thought in examining how we might intensify the process.” — Richard Twine PhD., author of Animals as Biotechnology: Ethics, Sustainability and Critical Animal Studies